A world journey through nine iconic cities

A trip down memory lane...

In 2015, Trollbeads launched an extraordinary collection that captured the hearts of globetrotters—the City Beads. Crafted in sterling silver, these beads were inspired by nine of the world's most iconic cities, each design beautifully reflecting the unique characteristics, atmosphere, and culture of its respective metropolis. Among these, the beads representing Rome, New York, and Tokyo stand out, each telling a story that resonates with the history and vibrancy of these cities, and now you have the possibility to get these for your collection.

Launched in collaboration with local influencers, the city beads were brought to life through a series of captivating films, each one a window into the soul of the city it represents. We invite you to rediscover these iconic beads and immerse yourself once again in the stories and cultures they represent.